What's On That Paint Can Label? | Artworks By Marcine
Did you ever wonder what was on that paint can label the paint store affixes to the lid of the can? That information is valuable especially when getting refills of that color in the future.
Keep in mind, not all paint stores print their labels exactly in this format. However, you will see most of this information somewhere on the paint label.
With that in mind, I will explain the parts of the paint can label and why you need to keep a record of this information.
This information is the name and the location of the paint store. Some stores will keep a custom mix in their store database. Keep this information. If you need a refill of a custom mix, the store location on the lid has that specific formula.
The manufacturer assigns a particular number to the paint. Along with the paint number, the paint manufacturer gives the paint a particular “fancy” name.
This is the brand name, whether it be Benjamin Moore, Sherwin Williams, Behr, Valspar, etc.
The base number is the paint the store begins with (just like a foundation. ) The store then adds the colorants to the base to make your particular color.
Mixed On
This is the date the store mixed the paint for you. Again, you’d want to keep this information for future refills.
My friend delivered the go-cart body and we put it in my garage. I placed the body on a table with some wooden blocks to raise it up. I better to work on something at my level rather than working on the floor because it is easier for me to see what I’m doing . The fiberglass body is light enough that it could be picked up if need be to carry the image to the underside of the body.
Colorants that were added to the base and their ratios are listed in this section.
The best answer you should keep a record of paint label info is “just in case.” Seriously, keeping paint records is a good idea in the event you need touch ups for a particular room and need to know which room it was, or if you move and want to use the same color scheme. Keeping paint records is also good practice if you are decorating and need the information about a particular color that was used in a specific room.
There are a few ways to keep your paint records organized. One method would be to take pictures of the labels with your phone. Then, download the photos onto your desktop and arrange the photos into files for particular spaces. Another method of keeping your paint records organized is to write info onto a form. You can keep those forms organized in a binder. To help you with keeping paint records, I have created a downloadable room paint organizer form for you here. I have looked online for a paint record organizing app and was unable to find any. If you have an app that you use to keep your paint records organized, please let me know in the comments.
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